Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan


Fáilte go Naíscoil Bheanna Boirche - Welcome to the Naíscoil! Gráinne Mhic Giolla Iontóg is our Múinteoir Naíscoile (Nursery teacher) and Louise Dornan is the Cúntóir Naíscoile (Nursery assistant). The nursery session runs from 9am - 12pm daily.

Morning registration

All children must be signed into naíscoil by an adult.


Parents/Guardians collect their child from the inside door of the naíscoil. Children are only permitted to go home with their parents, legal guardian or an adult who is named on their collection sheet. You can add to and remove names from the collection sheet at any time throughout the year by speaking to the naíscoil staff. All people named on the collection sheet must be over 18 years old. We ask that you let us know who will be collecting your child when you are signing them in each morning.

What to send to naíscoil each day

  • A full change of clothes including underwear, shoes and socks (all clearly labelled)
  • A warm waterproof coat


  • A sun hat and suncream (during summer months)

We ask that you do not send toys to naíscoil with your child.


Useful words and phrases

Dia duit                        Jeea ditch                   Hello (to 1 person)

Dia is Muire duit            Jeea is mura ditch       Hello (reply 1 person)

Dia daoibh                    Jeea deev                      Hello (2+ 1 person)

Dia is Muire daoibh        Jeea is mura deev       Hello (reply 2+people)

Slán                             Slan                             Goodbye

Cad é mar atá tú?         ka jay mar a-ta tu?     How are you?

Tá/Níl mé go maith.      ta /neel may gaw mai    I am/am not well

Go raibh maith agat.     gaw ro my ugit             Thank you

Maidin mhaith              mwad-jeen why           Good morning

Tráthnóna mhaith        tra-no-na why               Good Evening

Oiche mhaith                e-ha why                    Good night

Geansaí                        gan-see                           Jumper

T-léine                         tee-len-ya                        T-Shirt

Mála scoile                   mala skull-a                     School bag

Cá bhfuil an….               Ka will an…..                     Where is the…?

Lá breithe sona duit     La bray-ha sona ditch     Happy Birthday

Tá mé buartha             Ta may bur-ha                  I’m Sorry

Déan deifir                  Jan jef-er                         Hurry Up


27th Jun 2024
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