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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Buaiteoirí Mata! Maths Champions!

30th Apr 2021

Comhghairdeas le daltaí Bhunscoil Bheanna Boirche ó Rang 3- Rang 7 a d'oibrigh go crua ar Mhata s'acu an tseachtain seo agus iad ag glacadh páirte i gComórtas mór ar líne idir scoileanna ar 

Congratulations to the Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche pupils from Rang 3-7 who were busy practising their Maths knowledge this week while taking part in an online inter-schools competition on 

All our classes managed to gain a place in the top 25 classes taking part (from schools all across Counties Down, Armagh and Antrim). However, special mention must go to Rang 5, who were the Daily Champions for 29th April and who also came third overall in the week-long competition! Maith sibh, Rang 5!

In another terrific effort, eight pupils from Rang 5 managed to gain places in the top 50 individual Leaderboard, with Michael achieving the highest place (10th overall).

Comhghairdeas le Rang 5 as a gcuid iarrachtaí ar leith an tseachtain seo! Tá éacht iontach bainte amach agaibh!

Well done indeed to all the pupils who participated, and Rang 5 in particular, for their excellent efforts - what an amazing achievement by you all!