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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Comhrá 2023

10th Oct 2023
Rinne páistí Rang 1 suas go Rang 7 obair iontach inniu agus iad páirteach i gcomhrá ollmhór ar líne mar chuid de 'Comhrá 23' eagraithe ag Conradh na Gaeilge. D'éirigh go han-mhaith ar fad leo a gcuid dánta agus a gcuid amhrán a fhoghlaim don imeacht tráthnóna inniu. Maith iad na múinteoirí agus na cúntóirí a rinne obair mhór mhaith leis na páistí chun iad a ullmhú chomh maith, tá mé cinnte go bhfuil gach duine acu iontach bródúil as na hiarrachtaí iontacha a rinne na páistí inniu.

Craoladh an comhrá beo ar Youtube, ach ní buartha mura bhfaca tú é. Is féidir leat féachaint ar ag an nasc thíos. Glacann muid seilbh ar an chomhrá timpeall 54 bom agus 20 soicind. Bainigí sult.

The pupils from Rang 1 right up to Rang 7 did a great job today as they participated in a huge online conversation as part of 'Comhrá 23' organised by Conradh na Gaeilge. They all did very well learning their poems and songs for this afternoon's event. Well done also to our teachers and classroom assistants who did a great job with the pupils in preparing them with their songs and poems, I am sure that each of them is very proud of the great efforts put in by the children today.

The conversation was broadcast live on Youtube, but don't worry if you didn't see it. You can watch at the link below. We take over the conversation around 54 mins, 20 seconds. Enjoy.