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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Tráth na gCeist an Chomhair Chreidmheasa

31st Jan 2023

Chuaigh ceathrar páistí ó Rang 6 chuig Ionad Cill Bheagáin an tseachtain seo chun páirt a ghlacadh i dtráth na gceist de chuid Comhar Creidmheasa Dromara agus Drumgooland. Bhí roinnt mhaith ceisteanna a bhí an-dúshlánach ach rinne na páistí a seacht ndícheall agus d'éirigh go maith leo. Gabhaimid ár mbuíochas leis an Chomhar Creidmheasa a chuir fáilte romhainn chun páirt a ghlacadh i dtráth na gceist na bliana seo.

Four of our Rang 6 pupils went to the Kilmegan Centre this week to take part in the Dromara and Drumgooland Credit Union quiz. There were quite a few questions that were very challenging but the pupils made a great effort and they did very well. Our thanks to the kind people at the Credit Union for welcoming us to take part in this year's quiz.